October 2021
ACT libraries are so much fun.
And best of all, you don't even need to be there to be part of the activities.
Beside being the guardians of a bazillion books, it seems that libraries like to offer a nice murder mystery or two as well.
Unfortunately, you can't borrow these, but they were offered as online workshops.
When I was approached by ACT Library to host murder mysteries online during the school holidays, I had to think on how to make that happen.
How would I set up a murder mystery without—
1. A dead body.
2. The suspects.
3. The weapon.
Well, with considerable planning and preparation I did make it happen.
**Does that means you'll find me catalogued in the CRIME section?
I am seriously in love with technology and the opportunities offered for so many diverse and wondrous things to still happen in this COVID restricted landscape we are living through.